Cardio Barbells
Burn Calories and Enhance Heart Health without Running by Using a Cardio Barbell Set from Power Systems
Cardio is an important part of any fitness or weight loss plan. It burns fat, keeps your heart healthy, and improves the way you look and feel. The cardio barbell sets from Power Systems bring the argument about which should come first, cardio or strength training, to an end. This professional quality workout equipment combines cardio with strength training to fatigue major muscle groups while increasing the heart rate. The deluxe sets of barbells can be used by fitness groups for interval training, to lift with the plates on a barbell, or by holding the plates in the hands during hand-held exercises. The professional quality barbell sets from Power Systems provide an intense workout that eliminates the need to go running to get the full benefits of a cardio workout. Group fitness barbells are a great way to work out the same areas collectively during a fitness class.
What Should I Look for in Cardio Barbell Sets?
Power Systems offers a variety of cardio barbell sets to meet any fitness goal. The 51” bar and bar plates are sold separately to build the custom barbell weight set you want for your cardio routine. For convenience when being used by fitness groups, the deluxe and standard 10 and 20 barbell sets come with a variety of bars and plates in addition to a convenient storage rack to optimize space and accommodate a variety of users. Many fitness classes focus on circuit training, meaning that you will need a number of plates in the same weight. Both the deluxe and standard weights can be purchased separately to provide every member of the fitness group with the appropriate weights. A group fitness barbell set will easily house multiple weights and barbells for easy storage and quick grabbing. To get the best results from circuit training with the cardio barbell sets, perform a number of reps of one exercise at a fast pace and then move on to the next exercise. This keeps your heart rate up while working every major muscle group.
Which Type of Cardio Barbell Sets Should I Use for Interval Training Classes?
Both the standard and deluxe barbell sets are from Power Systems and offer high quality construction and durability. The deluxe sets are made for the ultimate in comfort and safety to the user and to the facility. For group fitness classes, you will need to have more barbell sets than you do members to ensure everyone has a weight that they are comfortable with. The best way to encourage members to achieve their fitness goals is by providing the quality and selection of equipment to make every effort count. You can’t go wrong with the quality cardio barbell sets designed to deliver an effective cardio workout in every strength-training session!
Power Systems is a trusted resource of cardio barbell sets to accommodate all types and sizes of fitness settings. Our selection of standard and deluxe products is made from high quality materials that enhance your comfort and provide a more convenient workout experience during a variety of exercises.