Return Policy
We want you to be satisfied with your purchase. However, we're here to help if you do need to initiate a return. You may return items within 30 days of receipt for a refund. To return a product, our team will need to get you a return merchandise authorization number. You must have pre-authorization prior to returning a product.
All products are warrantied free of manufacturer defects for 90 days from invoice date. No other warranty, written, or implied, exists unless noted on the website or in the catalog. For information on the full warranty period of a specific product, please refer to the Power Systems Product Warranty Schedule.
Due to manufacturing changes and raw material costs, some product characteristics may vary slightly and prices may be affected.
To request a return on your order, please fill out the appropriate fields on the form below. If you’d prefer, you can also contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at (800) 321-6975 or (865) 769-8223.