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What is the Power Systems Affiliate Program
  • Earn money promoting Power Systems products! Your sales are tracked using the built-in tracking and reporting program that can be linked to your website or social media platform. Commissions are paid out quarterly after you meet the minimum sales.
Why be an affiliate?
  • Generate extra income promoting the products you already recommend and use in your fitness programming. Earn 7-10% commission on the products sold through your affiliate link.
How does this help my clients and followers?
  • Provide them the same high-quality equipment they are used to using at their gym, backed by a professional they trust.
Who is this program for?
  •  Anyone in the fitness industry with a website or social media presence and the ability to reach fitness enthusiasts. Have state tax/resale certificates? Our Dealer Program may be a better fit for you.
What do I need to Apply/Qualify?
  • Start the application process (Form Below), set up your account, and start sharing on your site or social media.


apply today for affiliate program